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Sermons for Lectionary Years A, B, and C indexed by year
Preached at King of Peace by the Rev. Frank Logue

Sermons for Episcopal Lectionary Year A

Advent 1
alternate sermon
Epiphany 8  Easter 6
alternate sermon
Proper 15 (August 14-20)
alternate sermon
Advent 2
alternate sermon
Transfiguration Easter 7
alternate sermon

Proper 16 (August 21-27)
alternate sermon

Advent 3 
alternate sermon
Lent 1
alternate sermon

Proper 17 (August 28-Sept. 3)
alternate sermon

Advent 4
alternate sermon
Lent 2
alternate sermon


Proper 18 (September 4-10)

alternate sermon
Lent 3
alternate sermon

Proper 4 (May 29-June 4)

Proper 19 (September 11-17)

Christmas 1
alternate sermon
Lent 4

Proper 5 (June 5-11)

Proper 20 (September 18-24)
alternate sermon

Christmas 2 Lent 5

Proper 6 (June 12-18)

Proper 21 (Sept. 25-Oct. 1)
alternate sermon

Epiphany (Jan. 6) Palm/Passion

Proper 7 (June 19-25)

Proper 22 (October 2-8)
alternate sermon

Epiphany 1 Maundy Thursday

Proper 8 (June 26-July 2)

Proper 23 (October 9-15)

Epiphany 2
alternate sermon
Good Friday
alternate sermon

Proper 9 (July 3-9)

Proper 24 (October 16-22)

Epiphany 3
alternate sermon

Proper 10 (July 10-16)
alternate sermon

Proper 25 (October 23-29)
alternate sermon

Epiphany 4
alternate sermon
Easter 2 

Proper 11 (July 17-23)

Proper 26 (Oct. 30-Nov. 5)
alternate sermon

Epiphany 5  Easter 3 
alternate sermon

Proper 12 (July 24-30)

Proper 27 (November 6-12)
alternate sermon

Epiphany 6  Easter 4
alternate sermon

Proper 13 (July 31-August 6)

Proper 28 (November 13-19)
alternate sermon

Epiphany 7 Easter 5 

Proper 14 (August 7-13)

Christ the King (Nov. 20-26)

Sermons for Episcopal Lectionary Year B

Advent 1 Epiphany 8  Easter 6 Proper 15 (August 14-20)
Advent 2
alternate sermon
Transfiguration Easter 7

Proper 16 (August 21-27)

Advent 3 
alternate sermon
Lent 1
alternate sermon

Proper 17 (August 28-Sept. 3)
alternate sermon

Advent 4
alternate sermon
Lent 2
alternate sermon


Proper 18 (September 4-10)
alternate sermon

alternate sermon
Lent 3
alternate sermon

Proper 4 (May 29-June 4)

Proper 19 (September 11-17)

Christmas 1
alternate sermon
Lent 4
alternate sermon

Proper 5 (June 5-11)

Proper 20 (September 18-24)

Christmas 2 Lent 5

Proper 6 (June 12-18)

Proper 21 (Sept. 25-Oct. 1)

Epiphany (Jan. 6) Palm/Passion

Proper 7 (June 19-25)

Proper 22 (October 2-8)

Epiphany 1 Maundy Thursday

Proper 8 (June 26-July 2)

Proper 23 (October 9-15)

Epiphany 2
alternate sermon
Good Friday

Proper 9 (July 3-9)

Proper 24 (October 16-22)

Epiphany 3 Easter

Proper 10 (July 10-16)

Proper 25 (October 23-29)

The Presentation
Epiphany 4
Easter 2

Proper 11 (July 17-23)

Proper 26 (Oct. 30-Nov. 5)

Epiphany 5  Easter 3 

Proper 12 (July 24-30)

Proper 27 (November 6-12)

Epiphany 6  Easter 4

Proper 13 (July 31-August 6)

Proper 28 (November 13-19)

Epiphany 7
alternate sermon
Easter 5 

Proper 14 (August 7-13)

Christ the King (Nov. 20-26)

Sermons for Episcopal Lectionary Year C

Advent 1
alternate sermon
Epiphany 8  Easter 6 Proper 15 (August 14-20)
alternate sermon
Advent 2 Transfiguration
alternate sermon
Easter 7

Proper 16 (August 21-27)
alternate sermon

Advent 3
alternate sermon 
Lent 1 Pentecost

Proper 17 (August 28-Sept. 3)
alternate sermon

Advent 4 Lent 2
alternate sermon


Proper 18 (September 4-10)
alternate sermon

alternate sermon
Lent 3

Proper 4 (May 29-June 4)

Proper 19 (September 11-17)

Christmas 1
alternate sermon
Lent 4

Proper 5 (June 5-11)

Proper 20 (September 18-24)

Christmas 2 Lent 5
alternate sermon

Proper 6 (June 12-18)
alternate sermon

Proper 21 (Sept. 25-Oct. 1)

Epiphany (Jan. 6) Palm/Passion

Proper 7 (June 19-25)
alternate sermon

Proper 22 (October 2-8)
alternate sermon

Epiphany 1 Maundy Thursday

Proper 8 (June 26-July 2)

Proper 23 (October 9-15)

Epiphany 2 Good Friday

Proper 9 (July 3-9)

Proper 24 (October 16-22)

Epiphany 3 Easter

Proper 10 (July 10-16)

Proper 25 (October 23-29)

Epiphany 4 Easter 2 
alternate sermon

Proper 11 (July 17-23)
alternate sermon

Proper 26 (Oct. 30-Nov. 5)
alternate sermon

Epiphany 5  Easter 3 

Proper 12 (July 24-30)

Proper 27 (November 6-12)

Epiphany 6  Easter 4
alternate sermon

Proper 13 (July 31-August 6)
alternate sermon

Proper 28 (November 13-19)

Epiphany 7 Easter 5 
alternate sermon

Proper 14 (August 7-13)
alternate sermon

Christ the King (Nov. 20-26)
alternate sermon

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