from King of Peace
The text links below go to a full text of the sermons (some have
links and illustrations).
most recent sermons also have an Clipstream audio player on this page
linking to an audio file of the sermon. The audio streams through
Java-capable browsers. What that means is that for about 98% of
folks you have nothing to download and the audio will load quickly for
playback. The diagram at left shows how to use the Clipstream player. Unless
otherwise marked, the sermons were delivered
at King of Peace by the Rev. Frank Logue.
Sermons at the top of the list are more recent.
Perturbed on Behalf of the Least of These
November 20, 2005
Authority to Heal
November 13, 2005—evening healing service
Instructed Eucharist
The text file is the instructed Eucharist,
while the sound file is the sermon for the day
November 13, 2005
The Problem with The Rapture
November 6, 2005
A Bunch of Hypocrites
October 30, 2005
The Good Life
October 23, 2005
The Things That Are God's
October 16, 2005
The Gospel of Whatever
October 9, 2005
Citizens of Heaven
October 2, 2005
Don't just believe there, do something!
September 25, 2005
Stingy Generosity
September 18, 2005
Hitting Rock Bottom and
Finding a Firm Foundation
September 11, 2005

Finding Your Cross
The Warning Label Sermon
August 28, 2005
The Best Part of Being The Messiah
August 21, 2005
Nothing Lost
A sermon in memory of Anna "Andee" Strong
August 20, 2005
Food for the Dogs: how prayer changes things
August 14, 2005
Fast Food Theology
A sermon by Loren Hague
August 7, 2005
Sharing the Miracle
A sermon by Loren Hague
July 31, 2005
The Kingdom of Heaven
July 24, 2005
His Hands and His Feet
A Wednesday evening sermon by Loren Hague
July 20, 2005
God—The Gardener
July 10, 2005
Rest for the weary and burdened
July 3, 2005
They talked about Jesus
A preached sermon by Sierra Wilkinson
June 26, 2005
Firm Ground
June 19, 2005
It Really Is Simple
June 12, 2005
Mercy, Not Sacrifice
June 5, 2005
Why is Water Wet? Nothing but a baptism sermon
May 15, 2005
Prayer and the Workaholic
May 8, 2005
had to be there
May 1, 2005
Story Living
April 24, 2005
A Poor Substitute for the Good Shepherd
April 17, 2005
Why Bother with Church?
April 10, 2005
Competing Stories: Which do you make your own?
April 3, 2005
How cool is that?
March 25, 2005—7 p.m. service
The Passover Lamb
March 25, 2005—12 noon service
Mary of Bethany—The prototype disciple
March 21, 2005
From the Passion to the Table
Palm Sunday—March 20, 2005
Lazarus Unbound
March 13, 2005
Mr. In Between
February 27, 2005
The Untamed Wind—God's Spirit
February 20, 2004
Love in Action
A sermon for the groundbreaking of the House of Faith
being built by the churches of Camden County with Habitat for Humanity of
Camden County.
February 14, 2005
Create in Me a Clean Heart
February 13, 2005
Behind the Mask
A funeral sermon for Christopher Kevan Duncan
February 12, 2005
Pressing On: A Scout Sunday Sermon
February 6, 2005
The Way to Walk
January 30, 2005
On this Sunday, King of Peace swapped pastors with Saint Paul's Episcopal
Church in Jesup, Georgia. The sermon above is the one which our pastor,
Frank gave in Jesup that Sunday. No audio is available.
Hope for Fishy People
January 23, 2005
Come, See, and Abide
January 16, 2005
God is catholic and prejudiced
January 9, 2005
What if we don't want to adore
January 2, 2005
For the Time Being
December 26, 2004
From Mary to the Manger to Us
December 25, 2004
Plan C
December 19, 2004
More than we could imagine
December 12, 2004
A Peaceable Kingdom Within
No audio is available for this sermon.
The text of the sermon is at the link above.
December 5, 2004
How shall we mend it?
No audio is available for this sermon.
The text of the sermon is at the link above.
November 28, 2004
Sermons from the church year
Sermons from the church year
2008-2009 (which ended November 7, 2009)
Sermons from the
church year 2007-2008 (which ended November 23, 2008)
Sermons from the church year 2006-2007 (which ended November 25, 2007)
Sermons from the
church year 2005-2006 (which ended
November 26, 2006)
- Sermons from the church year 2004-2005 (which ended
November 20, 2005)
- Sermons from the church year 2003-2004 (which ended
November 27, 2004)
- Sermons from
the church year 2002-2003 (which ended November 29, 2003)
- Sermons from the church year 2001-2002 (which ended November 30, 2002)
Sermons from the church year 2000-2001
(which ended December 1, 2001)
Unfailing Love and
Peace, Peace: finding peace in a frenetic world
Two books of sermons and essays by the Rev. Frank
published by King of Peace with the proceeds going to the church's
benevolence ministry.
Click on the book or link above to purchase a book online.
Frank also writes a religion column for the local newspaper. The full text of those
columns is found here online:
& Georgian religion columns |