Understanding Our Cross

The cross for King of Peace was designed to illustrate the peace we are talking about when we declare Jesus to be the King of Peace. The swirls in the cross represent the very real chaos in the world, even in our own lives. If you were as small as a period at the end of a sentence on this page and you were placed in the center of that cross at right, you would swear that everything was out of control. Chaos would be all you could see. But looking at the cross from a distance, you see that none of that chaos extends beyond the outline of the cross.
The design looks like that to show what is declared in the Bible and proved by life experience. No matter how bad it gets; your life will not get beyond God. In all situations and circumstances you are not too far gone for God. You are always in God’s easy reach. Nothing in this world is beyond the love of God as revealed through Jesus’ death on the cross. No, this world does not seem peaceful, but yes, Jesus is the King of Peace. The king of a peace which passes all understanding. Nothing in your life is beyond God’s redeeming. That’s the message we celebrate each week at King of Peace.