King of Peace Episcopal Church – Kingsland, GA

Serving Kingsland and Camden & Charlton Counties.
We’re glad you are here, especially visitors!!!

Please join us Sundays at 10am for our virtual service
King of Peace Facebook Page – (Facebook account or login not required)
Service Times
Sundays 8:30am (no music)
Sundays 10:00am (music)
Nursey available at 10am service only
Wednesdays 6:15pm
Sunday Readings
Servers and Readings for Sunday, March 23
Exodus 3:1-15
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Luke 13:1-9
Psalm 63:1-8
Lectors: Jenna Rhodes & Mary Kay Lindquist
Ushers: Chuck Castiglione & John Wieters
Eucharistic Ministers: Gale Lizana & Manny Tovar
Musicians: Judy Dellinger & Jesse Smith
Preacher: Greg Wellstead
Celebrant: The Reverend Aaron Brewer
Processional: Praise to the living God – Hymnal 372
Gospel: Shepherd of souls – Hymnal 343
Offertory: Grams Lullaby (Harp Instrumental)
Communion Anthem: Beautiful things
Recessional: Lord dismiss us – Hymnal 344
Calendar of Events
Vestry Meeting – 2nd Mondays, 6:30pm
Bible Study – Tuesdays, 2pm
Cub Scouts – Tuesdays, 5:30pm
Boy Scouts – Tuesdays, 7:00pm
Art Group – Thursdays, 1pm
Choir Practice – Thursdays, 6:15pm
Venture Crew – Thursdays, 6:30pm
Bowling Group – 1st Saturdays, 1pm
Men’s Breakfast – 2nd Saturdays, 9am
Pickleball – Sundays, 1pm

Please join us at 4 PM on Sunday, April 6 at 4 PM for a recital featuring Jesse Smith on the organ and piano.
A reception will follow, if you would like to contribute items a signup sheet is in the narthex

Lent Study
Our Lenten study will use the book, Holy Mysteries by Frank & Victoria Logue.
It is available for free by download by going here.
You may also go here.
We will continue our tradition of a soup meal starting at 615 on Wednesday, March 12.

Art Group
We continue to meet on Thursdays from 1-3 PM. We have done a wide range of projects in the past year and are currently painting icons. Please join us to do art or just for Fellowship.
Lay Ministers’ Conference registration now open

The 2025 Lay Ministers’ Conference will be held March 28-30, 2025 at Honey Creek. In listening to the feedback from the strategic planning survey, one of the common themes was the need and want for connection across and to the diocese. This year’s Lay Ministers’ Conference will be one of the ways the Diocese can facilitate that community building.
The conference will be from Friday, March 28 to Sunday, March 30 in order to give participants plenty of time to focus on different types of connection: connection to God, to community, and to each other. Led by the Rev. Callie Swanlund, participants will be given the time and space to replenish their spirit and renew their commitment as lay ministers in the Church. Callie will teach participants about holistic practices to assist with ministry burnout, and tools that will equip them to continuing to serve their home parishes.
King of Peace Stickers and Tumblers

We now have some great stickers and 20 oz tumblers with the King of Peace logo, which we will use as part of our welcome packet for visitors. If you would like to purchase a tumbler, they are $15. Stickers are available at no cost.
Children and Youth Information
King of Peace currently provides two educational opportunities for children and youth…
- Children and Youth Church. This is for children from K – 12th grade. Children leave at the beginning of the sermon and return during the Passing of the Peace. Children go to the conference room and have a lesson based on the weekly bible reading. We are currently doing the one room schoolhouse model but will break into age appropriate groups as the need arises.
- KOP – YC. This is a youth group for children from K – 12th. They meet the 2nd Sunday of each month from 4:00 – 6:00. This fall we will be using “ A Child’s Guide to the Holy Eucharist” as we explore the meaning of communion. We also have times of fellowship such as bonfire with s’mores, attending a Jacksonville Icemen hockey game and Christmas caroling.

Facebook page:
These programs are led by adult volunteers who have completed
Safe Church, Safe Communities
The Christian Education committee is chaired by Gale Lizana.

Do you sing along to the radio or in the shower? Then the KOP Choir needs you. The choir practices on Thursday nights from 6:15 – 7:30. We review the hymns for the coming week as well as working on some anthems. We welcome new members, especially men. For more information contact Charles Babb:

Prayer Labyrinth
Every Monday, the prayer labyrinth in the worship space will be available on during the day. Following the 10 a.m. service each week, the chairs will be moved to allow use of the labyrinth. To enter the church on Mondays, please ring the doorbell at the red door. If there is not an answer, ring the doorbell at the day school entrance.

Peaceful Threads Sewing Group
We meet on Friday afternoons to sew and chat. We have made numerous pillowcases, bears, and lap blankets to donate to a variety of people needing comfort. We haven’t kept track of our donations in the past, but plan to do so this year. Everyone is welcome to come join in. Sewing ability is not necessary.

Rector’s Office Hours Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 5:00
Mailing Address
- 6230 Laurel Island Parkway
- Kingsland, GA 31548
- 912-510-6100
- Rector: