About Us …
Values of King of Peace
Not all people are alike. Not all churches are alike. King of Peace Episcopal Church brought a unique set of values and strengths to the Kings Bay Area when it was started in 2000. These values and strengths may make it the right church for you and your family. King of Peace emphasizes a sense of community, showing how the Christian faith is relevant to our lives today, and building strong families.

As individuals, we all have things in life that we value. Knowing what you value helps keep priorities in order. Groups have values as well as individuals and keeping those values in mind can help guide a group in its common mission. The following reflect not individual values, but the values of King of Peace as a congregation. They are the cornerstones of our common life, that guide the decision making of the group.
We want to build a lasting relationship with God and with one another. Inviting people into a relationship with God, as known through Jesus Christ, is the most important thing we do.
We value preaching and teaching that is relevant to today. The preaching and teaching all finds its center in the Bible, and works from the scripture to show how God’s word applies to our lives.
We believe that gathering together to worship should be, at the same time, a fun celebration and a chance for holy encounter. The worship of the gathered community is the center of our life together.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and can help us see how to gain meaning and purpose in our lives through a relationship with God as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.

We know that strangers are a gift to us as a congregation. We welcome newcomers, knowing that we will never be all we can become as a church without continually welcoming new people and new ideas.
We know that children are not only the future of the church, but the present. Children are an important part of the church right now. We need to minister to children and be prepared to be ministered to by children. Taking part in church is based on gifts, rather than age.
Ministry of all persons
Ministry is a job for all people, not just professionals. The ministry of the church is led by the ordained persons, but all Christians are to take an active part in ministry both in and outside of the church.