The Youth Group Shops with a Purpose
On Sunday December 11, 2005, sixth through
12th graders met for Camden County Episcopal Youth Group. 21 of
us—representing all three Episcopal Churches in our county—piled into three
vehicles to drive south to St. John's Town Center to shop.
Once there, we divided into groups for a quick 30 minutes of shopping for
ourselves. Then we met up for another half hour of shopping. This time
groups were given an amount to buy of $50 to $100 depending on the size of
their group. We were shopping for 12-16 year olds who will get their
presents through the Christmas for Camden Kids project. Christ Church, St.
Marys and King of Peace each gave $200 for the teens to use on their
shopping spree. This second half was shopping with a purpose and the teens
clearly gave thought as to what their peers will want to receive this