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Kids in the Kingdom Week
May 31-June 4, 2004

This year's Kids in the Kingdom Week was devoted to learning about life in Israel in the time of Jesus. We experienced something of what Jesus' childhood would have been like while learning stories from the life of Moses—stories that would have been taught in Jesus' own time in synagogue school. See photos of the fun below. Click on any picture below to see a larger version of the photo.

Day Five



Each morning started with a Havdallah ceremony. Lighting a candle.
Reciting a Psalm and smelling spices to remind us of the sweetness of studying God's Word.





The week ended with a dinner attended by 93 people on Friday evening during which the kids sang and danced
and we showed slides from the week's activities.

Day Four




Day Three





Day Two




   frightened Moses

      watching a movie clip

Day One


   making a lamp     





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King of Peace Episcopal Church + 6230 Laurel Island Parkway + Kingsland, Georgia 31548-2526