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Big Big God Group photo of folks at Kids in the Kingdom Week

Kids in the Kingdom Week
June 17-21, 2002

This year's Kids in the Kingdom Week was devoted primarily to stories of children in the Bible who do great things with God's help. We learned that it does not matter if you are little when you have a big, big God on your side. See photos of the fun below. Click on any picture below to see a larger version of the photo.

Day Five

working with sand art   Tegan with sand art cross   Logan shows off his butterfly   Devon with her butterfly

On Friday, we shared the story of Jesus' resurrection.
We learned about Jewish burial customs in the time of Jesus.
We saw a "body" being prepared for burial and then visited Jesus' empty tomb.
Photos of the process are shown below.

   Beginning of demonstration of burial preparation    Tying the chin strap in place   tying the feet together

coins placed over the eyes   wrapping the shroud around the body   finishing wrapping the body for burial

Rolling away the stone   Looking in the empty tomb

He's got the whole world   Serving hot dogs   Eating lunch at the closing

Day Four

Nick running the computer   Jumping while singing   Oliver dancing   Helpers sharing a laugh

Andrew altered his photo as he worked on the frame   frames   Flip working on a craft

Genny    Indoor games   Elisha helping with crafts   Corey

Suzanne working with kids   Gregory playing with a train

Day Three

Elissa and Kalyn   Making music   Jason holding Andrew   Logan making a thumbs down

Flip with his Mom   Griffin with her Moses in the bullrushes craft   craft time   Julie with Ethan

Andrew on the phone   Corey drawing   Caryn working on a craft   Suzanne working with crafts

Jason helps Logan with crafts   Nikki   Moses skit   StevieF

Cutting watermelon   Serving popsicles and watermelon

Blake eating watermelon   Griffin and Kalyn eating watermelon   Madison with her watermelon slice

playing in and around the wade pool   Ethan with water

Wet fun on Wednesday   An overstuffed wade pool during game time    A wet group

Day Two

singing Big Big God with motions   Trai with his Goliath drawing

Oliver at snacktime   plates lined up for snack time   Hallie and Devon at snack time

Game with storytime   Kalyn with a bee she made    Trai playing during game time

Game time   Father Frank using a slingshot   Father Frank as Goliath

Day One

teaching motions   Singing with hand motions   learning songs

patty cake   Ethan and Madison   Darla teaching

craft time   Craft time    craft time  

Story   self portrait    water bottles   Gregory

Skit rehearsal   Gregory with art   Hope working on water bottle

  water bottles   Snacks   Snack time

freeze tag   Devon in a race

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