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Flowered cross in front of altar

Easter 2003

Easter at King of Peace is a FUN day. We had an awesome worship service followed by Easter Egg Hunts for three age ranges: preschool, K-6th grade, and 7th grade through "Older than Methuselah." We also had a cookout and there was a moon bounce on hand from our friends at Jump2It.

All in all, it was a joyous celebration of Jesus' resurrection with the overall theme Alleluia! Christ is Risen. The Lord is Risen Indeed. Alleluia!

Click on any picture below to see a larger version of the same photo.


Easter balloons and cross   worship service   Hope with balloon

Andrew with egg   Andrew hunting eggs   Rhys hunting eggs

Ty hunting for eggs   Hunting for Easter Eggs   Some of the Easter Egg hunters in the K-6 group

Dashing about for Easter eggs   Adult and teens on an Easter Egg Hunt   Gregory with a balloon

Gil Neil and Mike cooking burgers and dogs   Covered dish buffet   Eating lunch

burgers and hotdogs on the grill   Stevie swinging   Andrew having fun on the moon bounce  

Girls in moon bounce   moon Bounce from Jump2It   Moon bounce

Brittany on the moon bounce      Logan jumping on the moon bounce   Madison in front of a deflating moon bounce

Louis and Hope   JoAnn and Victoria   Robert holding Isaiah

Meredith   sharing lunch   Meredith Griffin and Terri   

      talking after the lunch   Nicole   Rhys with puppet prize from egg

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King of Peace Episcopal Church + P.O. Box 2526 + Kingsland, Georgia 31548-2526