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King of Peace Building Progress

As of May 2004, the new building and its parking lot were complete. Conceptual drawings of our new building, which was designed by David J. Hill, AIA, PC are also online To see the floor plan, click here. The most recent job progress photos are at the top. Click on any photo for a larger version of the picture.


Aerial photos taken July 14, 2004.


On May 11, Wayne's Concrete completed the parking lot.

church reflected in a full retention pond         aerial photo May 2, 2004

The retention pond was roughed in just in time to catch heavy rains on May 1.
120 for worship on May 2 and an aerial that same day.

      Labyrinth creator Christopher Rayne with his marble mosaic  

Our labyrinth was completed on March 19, with every one of the more than 40,000 tiles in place.
Pictured with the labyrinth is Christopher Rayne who created the mosaic.

         evening view on March 2, 2004

King of Peace outside and in as of February 29.


One front door with the 18th-century-style strap hinges in place and the glass doors into the chapel.


The labyrinth getting grouted and completed except for the center design.


The cross had gold leaf added to the spirals and it was installed once again in the sanctuary.


The labyrinth is nearing completion, the windows and their grills and all stained and the stove is in.


Labyrinth and trim work going in the sanctuary on February 13.

the chandelier in the entry hall   the labyrinth is being made of about 40,000 2x2 tiles   the sanctuary on February 8, 2004   Chris Roberts with the cross he made for King of Peace

The chandelier in the entry hall (at left).
The photos at right show the progress on the labyrinth in the sanctuary,
which is being made of 40,000 2"x2" marble tiles, and Chris Roberts with the cross he made.

   Christopher from Camden Tile Solutions laying the labyrinth tile   wood cased in the red iron on the back wall of the sanctuary   wood beams on the back wall of the sanctuary

Various projects continue in the first week in February including (from left) installing the Heating and Air
Units, putting in the 40,000 tiles that make up our labyrinth, and encasing the iron beams on the back
wall of the sanctuary in wood.

Mike Gross on our work day     

On February 1, we had a work session after church to handle some painting, staining and other projects.


February 1 work day (Thanks to Martha Dickman for taking some of the photos)


Staining and cleaning glass on February 1 work day.

      Christopher laying labyrinth tiles

Staining, priming and laying labyrinth tiles January 30 and 31



The house was moved off the site on January 29, 2004.


Kenn connects the plumbing and Cooper and Sons puts on the gutters.


On January 19 and 20, the Chartres Labyrinth design was drawn on the floor of the worship area.
Camden Tile Solutions will copy the design in tile in the coming weeks.
At right, Tom and Gil assemble toys in The Preschool.


In mid-January, we moved out of the house and into storage
Photos of the last service in the house are online.


Moving out at left and at right, putting in phone line conduit and running water lines.

the moment the chimney is falling to the ground      looking out of the current church building to our new one

Meanwhile back at the ranch....Brent Pierce and his family and friends
are preparing our current church building to be moved off our property.

      a rainbow in the day care

Installing ceiling tiles in the entry        

Ceiling tiles were being put in place on January 5.

Brent Pierce prepares the house to be moved   playing on the dirt piles   Brick stripped off the house as per the DOT

Brent Pierce has removed the brick of the current church and is siding it with plywood in preparation
for the house being removed from our property and becoming the Pierce's home.

stained glass splashes light on the sanctuary floor     

Views of the sanctuary windows from the inside and out.

   Our stained glass window in place  

The stained glass was installed on December 31, 2003.

    Barbara and Russ with the window they donated     

The stained glass window donated by Barbara and Russ Thomson and created by Classy Glass Design of Kingsland.

      sanctuary ceiling

The drop ceiling framework was almost all in by December 8

   Design element in the tabby  

Tabby and ceiling views as of December 8, 2003


The tabby exterior went on Thanksgiving Week.


Sanding sheetrock and painting was in full swing Thanksgiving week.

Communion in the construction site     

On November 23, we held communion in the sanctuary under construction.

Looking from the sanctuary back into the preschool     

Mudding the back wall of the worship area   Sheetorcking behind the altar area   Sunlight streams through the circular window over the altar  

Sheetrock going in the worship area on November 11.
The sheetrock was all up on November 12.


Sheetrock started going in on November 5.

   Day care office counter insulated     

C&M Insulation installed the insulation on November 5-6.

Yes, it did happen   Injury revisited

Scott McCullough works on a door header   Car-a-vanners with a wall they built  

Installing door headers would have been impossible on our time schedule without assistance
from Habitat for Humanity Care-a-Vanners and Scott McCullough (hammering at left).

      Installing tile   Christopher lays tile in the kitchen

Scratch coat on and Christopher with Camden Tile Solutions installing tile in a bathroom.

Scratch coat for the tabby going on   Scratch coat for the tabby going on   Scratch coat for the tabby going on

The scratch coat for the tabby went up on All Saints Day, November 1.

Wood arches in place, with more bracing to be added   Arches overview   Preschool entrance

Arches in place with more bracing to be added to them,
and (at right) the preschool entrance with additional carpentry.

Shop class touring the preschool   Shop class touring the building   Shop class with our pastor

Carlos Jones brought two of his shop classes from Camden County High School (a very short walk from our building)
to tour the building project and discuss construction methods and techniques on site.

marking the template   Cutting the template   Marking the arches before cutting them in

Creating the pattern for the arches over the church entrance.

windows that will be behind the altar   Sanctuary back wall

The large central window and the 4-foot round window were installed in the
sanctuary back wall by McCullough Construction in late September.

Charlie working on an arched-top doorway   View out of the sanctuary   Moving the large window in place   Large window goes in

Work on cutting in more windows and doorways in late September.

Brick columns at the church entrance   Brick columns at entrance on September 21   Laying brick for the columns at the preschool entrance

The brick columns at the church entrance were completed on September 20.
They will be topped with tabby arches. At right columns are being laid for the preschool entrance.

aerial on September 12, 2003   aerial on September 12, 2003   brick laying on September 14, 2003   laying brick on September 14

Aerial photos of the site on September 12, 2003 and brick laying that weekend.

Brickwork for the columns was started on September 5   lathing on the kitchen   church entrance on September 10, 2003

The brick columns were started on September 5
and most of the steel lathing to hold the tabby went up on September 6 and 7.

Lacey Builders installing the front door   Lacey Builders installing the front door   Lacey Builders installing the front door

On September 4, Lacey Builders installed the cypress front door they custom built for King of Peace.

some of the ductwork installed in August   Ductwork over the day care side of the building

In August, a lot of unremarkable looking work took place on electrical wiring and heating and air systems.

A baby bird in the sanctuary during the service Psalm 84:2   Victoria reading from Ephesians   Frank preaching

On July 23, the Wednesday evening service was held in the sanctuary of the new building.
Baby birds in the sanctuary added to our reading of Psalm 84.

Preschool entrance   Sanctuary   One of the windows in the sanctuary   Windows in

All the main windows went in on July 22, 2003. Just a few specialty windows to go.

Putting the last piece of OSB on the sancuary end wall   Installing the last piece of plywood siding   Working on the window openings   building wrap on July 21, 2003

The last of the OSB undercoat went up on July 17.
On July 21, the window and door openings were in and building wrap started going on.

The earlier job progress photos are still online here.

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King of Peace Episcopal Church + P.O. Box 2526 + Kingsland, Georgia 31548-2526